Thursday, January 15, 2009


On the top of my list of things to do this week: pin-point thesis submission & defense dates, then decide when to visit Vancouver for ten days in March, then decide when in April I want to visit some friends in Toronto and then decide when to GO TO IRELAND in June!

Since I was little, I've always wanted to see the Irish countryside. Magical, green and surrounded by the powerful sea; I got the tiniest glimpse of the awe I would feel when my family travelled to Cape Breton. Unfortunately I was a surly and ungrateful twelve year old, but what can you do?

Cape Breton Highands:

Just like when my husband and I went for our two week honeymoon, we want to plan this two-week trip between an out-of-the-province move, and a change in jobs. That way we just worry about money, instead of dwindling vacation days.

The plan currently is to buy an Escape Pass from Air Canada, which is good for two return trips in Canada (leaving anywhere in the Atlantic provinces, arriving anywhere else in Canada) for a flat fee of $885 (taxes, surcharges, fees and blah blah blah all included). Travel anytime between now and May 3 (a few weekend black-out dates around March Break 14-22 and Easter). Then you can choose to pay $200 plus tax for a round trip to Europe, for use until June 15th. Currently, a single return trip to Vancouver or to London will cost $650 taxes and fees included, so doing one trip to Vancouver and one trip to Ireland in June would actually cost more than a three- trip Escape Pass from Air Canada. Seems almost too good to be true, but it's perfect timing with my thesis wrap-up plans and our moving out plans.

The big variable of course is whether we can sell the house in time for a June moving date. We are meeting with a Century 21 real-estate agent this evening to discuss our options. I am optimistic (of course, I am ALWAYS optimistic!), and feel that this Escape Pass is really just the kick in the pants I need to motivate myself to schedule the next four months and then of course motivate myself to actually complete a good thesis.

Ireland, here I come! Woot!

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