Friday, January 9, 2009


The first step in getting my ass to work (when I don't get driven at 6:45 AM by hubby) is a walk to the nearest bus stop, about 20 minutes brisk stroll from my house. After the walk is a 1 hour bus commute, so the whole trip is lengthy and I try not to do it often. The road I need to walk along is a rural, semi-windy one-way without sidewalks. Inevitably, during my 20 minute commute, I get honked at by a passing car at least once. Sometimes it's worse than honking (ie lewd hollering) and once, a car (driven by some teenagers) even swerved dangerously towards me (I guess in attempt to scare me? Haha, so fun!...). Most of the time, especially in the colder months, I'm bundled up so much I'm not sure how these men even know I'm female. But not daunted, the drivers of the sedans/trucks/company vehicles (!) think it's okay to ruin my otherwise peaceful walk. Sometimes I catch their licence plates, but in this province a vehicle is required to have an identification plate on the back only, so that eliminates half the vehicles already. I thought about getting a camera phone to snap shaming pictures, but I'm broke. Even in the rare instances I get their licence plate numbers, what to do for revenge? Wednesday I got the six digit number of a passing sedan, where the male driver honked on his way by. The backseat of his car was covered in toys/pink blankets and so the rest of my walk was spent daydreaming of tracking his home phone number via his plates, and calling up his wife to explain my disgust. Especially as he apparently has small female children - like really, would he want someone being so goddamn annoying and inappropriate with his own daughter? The logic never ceases to amaze me. Do you really think I'll run after you, begging for a phone number?? That I'll take a loud, disturbing noise as a compliment somehow? Gimme a break.

So to you "CKN 269": Fuck off.

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