Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Monday

Well, I tried looking for a whimsical video to post this dreary Monday morning, but couldn't remember anything suitable.  So I just entered the search term "singing skeletons" in youtube and this is what popped up:

Oddly this works, so I kept it.

Can you tell one of the things I did this weekend was watch the entire Season 2 of "Bones" - the crime show? Lots of dead bodies, and lots of hot scientists. Some of the other things I did:

Baked an apple crisp
Made a menu for the week, went grocery shopping at the farmers market
Bought supplies for a built-in cabinet for a stacking washer-dryer combo
Knitted a toque
Made lots of apple sauce
Read the book "The complete idiot's guide to staging your home"
Tackled the downstairs living space, removing two boxes of books from the bookshelf to sell, and placing excess kitchen ware in large labeled tubs to go in the basement to 1) tidy up the living space and 2) test ourselves on our ability to live without those items.

It was too cold to fix up the roof's missing shingles or the vent that blew off, but we did start progress on the cabinet I want in place before we show the house. Now I need to focus on thesis stuff during the weekdays. Just as soon as I call the EnviroFoam people and email conserve nova scotia:)


Unknown said...

Books! Anything I might be interested in for me, here or the babies etc?

Natalie said...

About twenty Star Trek TNG paperbacks & a few Asimov books. I think I have one or two Margaret Atwood books (Robber Bride & The Edible Woman), but mostly just sci-fi.