Thursday, January 15, 2009

Apparently I looked like I was concentrating on something important...

We have weekly lab meetings, which pretty much everyone on the floor goes to. They are nearly always held at a certain time during the day. This past meeting was postponed one hour, and being held in a different place than usual. I was working hard on my data analysis, headphones full blast. Ten minutes after the meeting had started (which I had obviously forgotten about), I looked up in the lab and realized I had been alone for a weirdly lengthy amount of time. I work in the main room where the experiments take place, just next to my boss' office (who is away) and people are always buzzing about. Then it struck me: the lab meeting was going on, everyone had left to attend, and no one had verified I knew when/where they were all going (something that we usually do for each other). I grabbed my bag & keys, and ended up entering the meeting room late (during a power-point presentation). The lab dynamics have changed alot in six months, and I miss the old (smaller, tight-knit) lab. Sniffle.

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