Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Poison Crazy Lush

What the hell happened to Gavin Rossdale?? I was listening to the radio this morning prepping for work when this song came on (Gavin Rossdale "Love Remains the Same"). Listen to it! It sounds like about 6 other, shitty emo "rock band" songs put out in the last few months. If you told me Love remains the Same was released by a winning contestant on Season X of American Idol would have fucking believed you. Gavin, you've let me down dude.

Vintage BushX ("Personal Holloway").

Ahh, I miss 1996 a bit. And reviewing the "Swallowed" video again after all these years sheds some light re: why I insisted on wearing so many retro-fitted, polyester shirts with gigantic collars and awful prints I bought at Salvation Army back then. Awesome.

But then something great happened. I got to work early (alone in the lab as usual) and turned my iTunes up, since I left it running last night. I left for five minutes or so, and upon my return I was struck by how lovely the current song was. And that I had no idea who it was. I sometimes get music from other people, upload it, and after a cursory run-through it remains somewhat untouched. But this Wayne Petti song called "Night Sky" was just what I wanted to hear. The rest of the album is quite a gem too, don't know how I missed it.

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