Contending with an assertion by my husband (while standing in the Home Depot aisle) that we lacked direction in our current renovation, I spent some hours yesterday gathering pictures related to my ideal kitchen finishes. Highlights include slate grey concrete counters with embedded sprokets, medium finish cabinet doors with gothic style mullions and a light finish plank floor. Back to real work on Monday.
I wonder if those people who create beautiful mash-ups using three or more songs have brains that work like this ragtime piano player interviewed by RadioLab.
So what happens when you live in a tiny town, and you think of the perfect gift for your father-in-law but nobody within an hour's drive carries said item?
Why, you call up a friend from Grad School Days, who happens to be driving many hours from the city where I did my last degree to his village of birth (conveniently stopping in my current tiny town right off the highway) to exchange the gift he bought at a specialty store on my behalf.
Then I hand off the cup cakes I baked him as a thank-you, and send him off on his merry way.
I recently found a video I made of my old lab on my hard-drive while looking for something cool to post to my Google+ account (which failed, ps). The quality is absolute shite, otherwise I might post snippets of it. And last week I schlepped an entire box of thesis drafts and annotation rough notes from my attic to my lab....thinking it might be more useful there? I just can't get rid of it yet.
December usually prompts me to do the rounds for eyes/teeth/body check-ups that I've otherwise been ignoring all year long. I suppose this is lay-over behaviour from when I had a student insurance plan that allotted a certain number of dollars for each calendar year.
New eye exam, new set of contact lenses, teeth whitening regime and regular flossing. The gym is more-or-less a regular occurrence. Indeed the shower-only-at-the-gym trick is working, although I am feeling more grubby than I normally do in general because of it. Although my clothing is no looser fitting than normal, they aren't tighter than normal either...admittedly a feat during the holiday party season. The students are all gone, so I can go anytime of day to the campus fitness centre without sharing.
I contacted a local instructor for Aikido martial arts, since I might be getting even klutzier with age, and feel an eight week program might improve my body awareness. This past Saturday was a dress-and-dance party at a friends place, and at the end of evening I was speaking with someone so animatedly I hit his tumbler of red wine out of his hands (my husband explaining the next day "you're so French"). It went careening across the room, crashed to the floor and splattered red wine in a TEN FOOT radius in all directions. Floor, ceiling, next room over...the host kept saying over and over "I've never seen a spilled drink cover so much area". Of course the entire party stopped to observe the red wine massacre and laugh at yours truly for a few minutes as I was scrubbing frantically at the plaster walls in my party wear. It's lucky no one lost a limb.
Yesterday I bounced from clinic to hospital for a few hours, being manhandled in the name of reproductive health. Since I have to travel for such appointments, I try to bundle them on the same days. Convenient but also tiring. A had a follow-up MRI done and noticed this painting in the waiting room:
A close-up:
Somebody tell me why anyone in their right mind would put a macabre image of a ghost grey "after shot" rose with a blood red stem in the waiting room of an MRI? Oh thanks hospital peeps for making me ponder my mortality. Gold star to you.
Ever since reading the book Sex at Dawn, I've been finding tendrils of it's tenets in several unexpected places. I think it's a good indicator of successful scientific writing when a reader easily amalgamates the information, links it to other peripherally related topics and then ponders those disparate topics more thoroughly. The book describes evolution of sex in humans, but the broader narrative is really how hunter-gatherer societies likely differed from our own and the scientific evidence supporting it. Unlike the terribly boring "Guns, Germs and Steel" (which I bought but couldn't even finish! As an interested scientist! I even tried twice!) that deals with many of the same topics (namely how our society changed when we adopted a settled agricultural lifestyle over a hunter-gatherer one), Sex at Dawn uses cheeky prose to address some of our culture's most rigid ideologies - patriarchy, monogamy, human brutishness.
So back to the opening sentence of this post, what tendrils am I speaking about?
The first was this video on human child rearing that I came across on some random comment board somewhere on the internet. I don't agree with everything (or perhaps, even most) of what Gabor Mate says, but he is nonetheless quite compelling. In the embedded video he mentions the old way of child rearing (the whole village) and contrasts that to the nuclear-family-in-a-suburb method we are using now (...guess what he thinks of each):
The second, nebulous instance of "tendrils" was in relation to this advice column on Salon about dealing with patriarchy. It basically admitted that one needs to remove oneself from society in order to get away from patriarchy. I'm a feminist, I meet with a group of female friends at least once a week to talk about women's issues/sex/books/etc and I'm still forming my opinion. It was the way that Sex at Dawn connected the (inevitable?) development of patriarchy with hereditary land ownership that struck a particular chord with me. These are things I think about now as a whole, and sheds a different light on many of the articles, online blog posts and other content I read on a daily basis.
Finally, last week we listened to about 8 hours of RadioLab science podcast while working on the house. The topic was "patient zero" & disease in humans. The case study was HIV, and how it spread from monkeys to chimps to humans, which was amazing in it's own right but it was the visceral description of hunting chimps that really brought me back to Sex at Dawn. Chimps are brutal hunters - they apparently eat their prey alive, searching for the tastiest organs to devour first while the victim screams, getting covered in blood during the whole process (and thereby aiding the spread of monkey-to-chimp SIV). SO. Sex at Dawn goes into compelling detail about how our OWN view of human nature may have been swayed by the early discovery of our closest relatives the chimpanzees (with all their nasty violent tendencies) and the comparatively late discovery of our equally related (but oft ignored) primate relatives the bonobos. Bonobos are peaceful little hippies compared to chimps, and it boggles my mind that how we view the inevitabilility of human brutishness might just correspond to what we thought (for a long time) was the inevitability of primate brutishness. Such fleeting, stochastic factors might have lead to justification for some pretty abhorrent human behaviour. Fascinating, hun?
I went to the gym this morning. When I get bored on the elliptical I start dancing (true story). I'll probably end up warping my knees from the wiggling motion, but whatevs. I'm still young. Then I went to the shower room and felt like an IDIOT when I couldn't figure out the nuances of the motion detector shower head.
Update: Then a I ate onion rings for lunch. /Groan
Update 2: I'm not showering at home therefore the ONLY WAY to get ungreasy is to get to the gym. Let's see how long this method lasts.
Holiday season has just been an excuse for me to buy MYSELF pretty things. This has mostly revolved around shoes, although clothing and jewelry have also contributed. In the last two weeks I've purchased over $200 worth of shoes from online Canadian shops that offer free shipping both ways (due to Cyber Monday sales, etc..)
Most of 8 pairs didn't fit, or were cancelled from the order due to stock issues. The truth is I don't need any of them, yet I'm still having a hard time parting with:
Driven by Naturalizer in wine, with comfort 5 to stand all day at a conference. Goes with black and brown, only need to pack one set of heels.
Nuesca by Transit shoes in brown (to replace the ones my dog ate that looked just like these but only cost my husband $20 one particularly lucky Boxing Day. I could stand all day on concrete in them and still walk to the bar after a conference day....sigh) Perlstein sandal (to replace the strappy jesus sandals my dog ate that only cost $8 at a discount store that I loved...stupid mutt)
As a teenager I hated my nose - I thought it was huge. Nothing like the little upturned whisps of noses seen in most magazines.
Truth is, I have big loud features - if I ever shrunk my schnoze I'd just end up with a weird face. Here are four ladies I think likely looked nicer before the too-skinny nose:
Kat von D - really pretty circa 2004, I swear:
Elizabeth Olsen, sister to the famed twins:
Jessica Biel, approaching Micheal Jackson territory:
AJ -still a face for the ages, but it would have been the case pre-nose job too:
Freaks me out every time I see them on the gossip blogs.
Abandoned warehouse with fancy photographer (note the fancy digital SLR)
Abandoned warf at sunset
Abandoned house with hastily edited out civic address post
Abandoned house full of stuff and wild animals
I picked cranberries, ate delicious sheperds pie & squash soup, and learned how to play Auction 45s. After driving a friend home, doggie and I went directly to a Blues concert in town where she stayed in the car to sleep and I enjoyed the music and beer. I left around midnight but the evening was so mild that I walked the dog around the neighbourhood in a light sweater before we headed off to home.
I've been very grumpy the last few days, shit is just not going according to plan and people are stupid.
Anyway, here's a distraction: I finished it in 17 attempts.
Update: I actually wore yoga pants and a t-shirt to work on Thursday, that's how crappy I was feeling. Today I got lippy with the facilities management people who might actually maybe possibly fix the fucking floor in my lab that is literally coming apart underfoot. Tonight I'm by myself, shopping online to keep my brain occupied, while husband is out all weekend adventuring with pals. Wreckage, generally. With a MSTRKRFT soundtrack:
Sometimes, when I have to call a supplier for an e-mail copy of the latest invoice to reconcile my university purchasing card, I throw the person's name (+ company) into facebook to see what the person on the other line looks like.
Travel plans at 3 AM - why is it ALWAYS the same?!?! I fall down these orbitz-rabbit-holes and can't get out.
But it feels like I've won the lottery this time: my initial budget for airfare was just shy of 1000 (or, 500 each way). Due to late night/early morning sleuthing, I got the return leg for 340, leaving 630 for the FIRST CLASS TRIP ON THE WAY THERE. I've hit the jackpot. And it looks like an Air Canada pre-fab meal with booze. Yess...
From: Lala Mistypants, Chair, Committee on Committees
Subject: Committee on Committees, General Call for Input
The Committee on Committees is beginning a review of the terms and conditions of all standing committees of Senate. The last comprehensive review was done in 2002. We have asked all committee chairs to solicit input from their respective committee members on the particular terms and conditions and operations of their committee. We are also soliciting input on more general issues from the wider community of faculty, librarians, administrators, and students...
I guess it's been pretty boring around here. I'll include some actual pictures in this post to cover that fact up.
National Chemistry Week = free chemical cupcakes. Most of the Halogens were gone by the time I wandered into the lounge, so I couldn't pick my favorite.
This is the costume-making workshop (with Mr.Tumnus in the background). My dog thought the faux fur was her long-lost mommy, so she curled up with it whenever we weren't actively cutting it up. We had some left over, so it went in her crate.
And finally, a feel good note that I found in the Student Union Centre. I live in a place where this actually happens (I've deleted identifying information):
Since we don't expect any children in our neck of the woods, I've removed most of the spooky decorations that littered the house during Friday night's party. Despite being far away from town, we had a good number of people show up - dancing, drinking and arguing by the bonfire ensued. We bought tons of liquor, and I was serving up yummy pumpkin-inspired drinks all night. I danced in high heels until 4 AM, and finally had to corral the last stragglers to bed at 5:30 AM. I think the crowing rooster was what finally convinced them to leave the fire. I suppose one of the by-products of being "rurally located" is that people ended up crashing at the house, so we woke up with about 12 people littering the floors. I was up (as always) after a short three-hour sleep, cooking our fresh eggs and potatoes on the woodstove for everyone to enjoy upon waking up. Super lovely.
It was a beautiful day on Saturday, so while some left for home, others stayed behind to kayak on the bay* or help with our chores. I wish I had some pictures to share of the AMAZING progress on the barn demo, but I've misplaced my dead iPhone (it was used as an mp3 player on Friday night) so no pictures today. We stacked tons of wood too, simultaneously clearing out the workshop that was housing the chopped up tree trunks from last fall.
Then Sunday we had blizzard-like weather. Mostly rain, but some fat wet snowflakes too. Perfect weather for sleeping in, puttering around the house, having a long bath (washing my dreaded hair...leftover from the costume getup on Friday), getting groceries and playing games with friends by the fire. So that's what we did :)
*The kayakers ran into Christine Fellows, who apparently gushed about the area and insisted she wanted to buy a cottage up the street. Hee.
The new profs girlfriend is here from Toronto doing work in my old lab space, and GUESS WHAT? She has super elfin features and a cute, woods-y style. Gelfing!
Hilarious consequence of multiple degrees and chem courses: when your mother tells you she has a chemical sensitivity to PPD, you can draw her the chemical structure.
As I sit here staring at 19 furiously writing undergrads, I can't help but take note:
5 are boys, 14 are girls. 4 are lefties. Everyone is wearing a hoodie (7), a t-shirt (5), a long sleeved knit shirt (6) or a tank top (1). Nobody has a shirt with a collar. 12 are wearing running shoes, 2 rubber boots, 2 ugg-style boots, 2 people with slip-on shoes and one pair of sandals (!). Of the girls there is one braided hair, 3 ponytails, five top buns and five have loose hair around their shoulders. 12 are wearing denim, 7 are wearing athletic/yoga/sweat pants. No skirts.
This is excluding me of course, the freak with a twisted blue side ponytail, dress pants and high heels :)
We are having a halloween party in our house and I want it to look like this:
No problem! Also I've been pre-occupied with spooky playlists and costume details. Instead of woodland animals we've decided on a somewhat related theme: characters from C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I went so far as to order those crazy contact lenses...despite being a grouchy miser in real life, Halloween costumes get a pass. I have to make myself budgets before going shopping because it gets ridiculous. For example, I have no idea why I thought buying candy this far in advance was a bright idea, but I did. I can't stop snacking, and I've had fuzzy "refined-sugar" teeth for three days now, gross. Serves me right.
Last night I dreamt of Halloween parties with drink-o Plinko and overweight superheroes. I bathed children not my own, and went walking in a midnight garden.
This is just the type of music I like to listen to when doing annoying-as-fuck paperwork. I love my bosses, and my job, but MAN are they lacking in some organizational skills; specifically as it relates to the business. They're just too busy teaching, writing grants and traveling to worry about corralling everything into a single binder or file.
Most pertinent information on the business' intellectual property is stored 1. in the brains of said bosses and 2. sprawled all over the collaboration software we've been using for five years. If our (small) collaborator across the ocean goes bankrupt, or looses their key employee, we are f*cked.
On Friday before the Thanksgiving long weekend I asked a visiting scientist whether he was going to any special Canadian Thanksgiving meals. When he said no, I spontaneously invited his family (of three) to a meal at our house. Then later on that same day, while at a wild BYOB bowling party (yes, they exist in small towns with lax liquor laws), I discovered too many friends in the same predicament. So I started inviting people over to eat a Thanksgiving lunch at our house.
This is how I came to cook a Thanksgiving meal for twelve using one wood stove, one convention oven, one small hotplate and a slow cooker.
Two very late evenings later (2 AM bedtimes), the table was replete with local goods: four small chickens, gravy, two heaving piles of seasoned roasted potatoes, similarly high piles of fried green beans with cashews, maple-glazed carrots, stuffing, our own cranberry sauce, squash, turnip, pickles, kale chips, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, apple crisp, berry crisp, and apple cider to drink. Our guests had brought some bread and cabbage dishes, as well as one Tiramisu dessert.
Compulsive Natalie ™ was terrified we wouldn't have enough food. She was being crazy.
It was unseasonably warm this weekend, so we toured the scene of pastoral bliss (as one guest put it), and ate our dessert in the grass while drinking tea from our own mint plants. As a byproduct of compulsiveness, house projects that had gone unfinished for the last few months were frantically completed before our guests' arrival. It was a very lovely weekend, and I'm looking forward to going home to a clean house & a refrigerator full of left-overs.
Not a particularly fabulous song by Kings of Convenience, but I was struck by the similarities to the classic Girl from Ipanema song. Less sun, more snow:
Anyway, I found the above video because I was actually looking for this song by Jose Gonzalez (also Nordic), which I would really like to learn on the guitar. It was the reason I wanted to pick up the instrument again after a long hiatus. Sadly, this hasn't happened...while cleaning my storage area a few days ago, I found my dusty guitar. Sigh.
My first idea, since I own a ridiculous pair of skin-tight faux leather leggings and have seen a perfect LadyGaga-inspired wig at the local hardware store (random, I know) - was Sandy from Grease. My husband could totally pull off the young Travolta look too: In the end we decided this was too cliche, we both basically hate the musical Grease, and I'm not sure I'm confident enough in my ass to wear the pants with enough sass.
Second option was a inspired by a stuffed pink cat toy my husband found at a friends place. The crazy grinned Cheshire Cat! So if we stuck to the couples costume, I guess the logical pair would be Alice:
Cute, yes. Clever? Not really. He'd probably die of heat in the full cat costume too. Heehee.
The latest option is inspired by this picture:
Winner of a costume contest put on by a favorite online store, I think the face paint for the deer is adorable. If we continue with the Disney theme, then this is Bambi....and the partner costume could be Flower the skunk? A skunk costume is really cute, especially on kids!
Relive childhood innocence! Cute cuddly woodland creatures! No skanky costumes in sight! WIN!
Wretched cold has me doing half days at work (albeit productive half days, at least). My kitchen is covered in a two foot pile of dirty dishes, and I haven't had a shower since Tuesday night. I just come home, crawl under a blanket and wait for someone else to make me food. None of the over-the-counter medications seem to be doing squat. Gross.
I invigilated a mid-term this morning for a cesspool of viral infections called "undergrads".
Their germs had already found me, though. On Saturday I felt yucky and made myself drink orange juice, Sunday I forced myself to relax in a hot bath for three hours and last night I tried to reduce virus loads by gargling with salt water/using a Neti pot and swallowing tons of Ginseng extract.
I guess I beat last year's count: this time it took a whopping 20 days to catch "the undergrad cold".
As an aside, it struck me just how homogenous my place of work is. Of the fourteen students I was overseeing this morning, there were:
two* boys: James & Micheal twelve girls: Two Jessicas Two Sara(h)s Two Kat(e)s An Anna & a Brianna & a Cassandra An Emily & a Haylee One lone Lauren
* This still didn't stop my fellow invigilator from explaining that we would be recording their setting arrangement to guard against cheating, by using the phrase "looking at the guy in front of you". /facepalm
While re-writing and improving a section of my lab book, I found this exact sentence: "RT-PCR notes: First set of tubes should be a serial dilution to test the awesomeness of your primers"
While walking down the sidewalk this morning, I spotted a frail-looking undergrad struggling with four bags of groceries. Bitchily, I thought "Gimme a break, you don't eat food"
While re-assessing the need for my 14 departmental keys, I found a key I couldn't place. Clearly wasn't a university DO NOT COPY key so I tried it in my front door lock. Yup. I've lived in our house for two years and have never locked the front door once. Didn't even know I had the key!
The harvest season is upon us. I have bags of fresh kale to dry, tomatoes to freeze, cucumbers to pickle and berries to clean. My green beans and garlic and onions have already been dealt with. We've also stacked our winter wood, building a new structure to keep four cords dry at a time. The rain threatening right now will make me leave work early, but soon enough the winter weather will arrive (and with it my shared commute with my husband, which increases my word day by two hours).
So pictures for now. I'm off to work at home, then hopefully nap.
Perhaps in another life I'm an event organizer. In this other life, I would be on the organizational team for Toronto International Film Festival. I would have opportunity to rub shoulders with the celebrities that, in my current life, I just read about on the internet. Who would I throw my charm at during the 2011 TIFF festival? Oh well let me tell you.
The top three are stately (handsome) men, mentioned before on this very blog:
Spot 1: Jon Hamm, with his great comedic timing and hockey knowledge, pictured here with his slightly plastic-looking long-term partner:
Spot 3: And of course Clive Owen, accented and rumply in his black suit at his newest movie's gala. He usually doesn't smile as much, but he's a devoted family man:
The other two spaces are more fluid and interchangeable.
Spot 4: For a long while, Ryan Gosling occupied spot number four, but lately he's not been doing it for me. He really bulked up for some roles, and I prefer them lean. He's also made the rounds with half a dozen young starlets, which dampens his allure. Time to replace his Canuck ass with another fellow countryman. So for this TIFF, in which I'm an imaginary organizational guru in stunning heels, I would probably follow Scott Speedman around like a puppy. He has actually toned down the bulky muscles and has great forearms (I am SUCH a sucker for nice forearms on a dude). Plus, to my geeky heart, he'll always be the good looking werewolf from Underworld (...I won't even link to a trailer, it's that cheesy). Pictured here spiffed up for a premiere and all smiles outside his hotel in Toronto:
Spot 5: might have been taken up by Ben Affleck IF he had attended the festival. But since he didn't, and I've met my quota for stubble-faced dudes, I think I would just try my luck with Olivia Wilde. She appears to have thoughts in her head, was married in the desert at Burning Man, has fantastic collarbones and played a doctor on TV. My standards are low I guess, because I would fling some flirt her way:
Now back to work. Real work. Not the imaginary kind.
Every time I look at the bookshelf overflowing with cracked CD cases, I curse myself for not just uploading the whole thing onto a single 8 GB USB drive (or two, one at the office for safekeeping) and selling the hundreds of CDs. I want to actively clear out my STUFF so that I have more room to LIVE. This article reminded me of that fact:
Administrators, in all their lack-of-foresight, are going to tear down this building this year:
My cat looks like a cartoon:
Proof we aren't in Germany anymore (these cost $1.75 over there):
We ate so much bread, cheese, chocolate and beer when away, I couldn't wait to have actual vegetables again. Here are some of the components from our CSA package:
Once veggies from our own garden were added, plus some beans for protein, we had the loveliest looking stir-fry around:
Enough for two nights even! On the second night, we added even more fried green beans (with cashews) and seas scallops to round out the protein. Didn't want rice again, so our carb portion of the meal was fulfilled by a couple of beers (Clancy's for him, St.Ambroise Oatmeal Stout for me):