Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Cheer

So what happens when you live in a tiny town, and you think of the perfect gift for your father-in-law but nobody within an hour's drive carries said item?

Why, you call up a friend from Grad School Days, who happens to be driving many hours from the city where I did my last degree to his village of birth (conveniently stopping in my current tiny town right off the highway) to exchange the gift he bought at a specialty store on my behalf.

Then I hand off the cup cakes I baked him as a thank-you, and send him off on his merry way.

I recently found a video I made of my old lab on my hard-drive while looking for something cool to post to my Google+ account (which failed, ps). The quality is absolute shite, otherwise I might post snippets of it. And last week I schlepped an entire box of thesis drafts and annotation rough notes from my attic to my lab....thinking it might be more useful there? I just can't get rid of it yet.

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