Monday, October 6, 2008

web weary

I suspect the coverage of the election(s) may have pushed me over the edge. That, plus all the news of our doomed economy... lately my usually fervent internet-info consumption has waned. I haven't been on facebook in ages, my celebrity gossip knowledge is superficial, and this blog has gone dormant for several weeks.

The weather is changing; the sun comes up after we have left for work and comes down shortly after arriving in the evenings. The past two weekends we have spent improving the exterior facade of the house with a paving stone walkway and additional landscaping (adding more sod to the side yard and shrubs/plants/trees to the front yard). I hope I can find a job now after graduating and are able to sell the house in a market where no one can get a mortgage...

I have finished reading Catch-22 (for me, not one of my favorites but I recognize why it would be for others) and started the more frivolous Harry Potter series. Currently on book four.

The appointment is booked for my tattoo on October 21st. The design, sketched by my husband, is something like this:

The artist needs to tweak some of the lines as they are too close together for a tattoo. We had a discussion about white ink. He convinced me to go for a natural brown colour instead, something like a henna tattoo or a birthmark, which would be subtle but not marred by the cons of white ink; mostly that everyone reacts differently to the ink, that it is prone to extra inflammation because the titanium oxide white colour breaks down the fine metal instruments (placing shards of metal into the skin along with the white ink) thus creating heavier scar tissue that often has to be retattooed several times, and that it is prone to extreme fading in sunlight. He told me the first few white tattoos he did were fantastic, and buoyed by the success, he went on to do a few more. They turned out terrible. He has beautiful white markings on his face, but he also has a circular leaf design on his chest done in a subtle brown and that looks great too. I'll post a picture when it is healed.

I also ordered some glasses online a few weeks ago, they should be arriving shortly. (Actually, I just checked my email to grab a picture of them and found an update saying they had shipped on October 2nd- they might even be here by the end of the week!). I tried to balance the look I wanted (crazy reddish plastic frames with thick heavy arms) with the cost factor (these were one of the cheapest frames among the half dozen sites I checked) and came up with these for $37.00 Cdn INCLUDING UV-coating, anti-reflective coating, tax and shipping. For prescription.

These were my second choice because they are different then what I normally wear and are more flexible for at-home adjustments:

Unfortunately they are about $30 more expensive AND they look like stupid freakin' Palin glasses so it doesn't matter that I had my eye on them before she was even vetted, there is no way I'm ordering the goddamn glasses now.

And of course, with Halloween coming up shortly, I've started to think about costumes. I am going as She-ra, the epitome of sexy 80s superhero (big category, I know) and have been trolling around for do-it yourself ideas. Next weekend we're off to Hometown for Thanksgiving - I might be able to get something done on it then. My new-ish coworker has decided she will be hosting a Halloween party this year at her place, so there is no backing out now.

1 comment:

meaux said...

Hi Natalie, thanks for stopping by the blog--kind of exciting to get a new visitor! I'll definitely give you a heads-up next time I'm in the big city; we can meet up for coffee and debate the existence of eight-tentacled blue deities. (Likewise, if you're ever in Cape Breton, do give me a shout!)

I'm convinced, Fiona Apple is a hell of a lyricist. I'm not familiar with her stuff at all (see comment about growing up in the sticks with no good radio stations), but I may have to check it out.

Re: Catch-22, I found it was a bit of a struggle to read the first time, but it blew me away upon second reading. Helped to have some knowledge of the many characters going in; you could concentrate on the comedy when you weren't struggling to keep everyone straight. (I don't often give books a second try, but had lots of reading time on my hands during my puffin research) So if you're ever stuck for reading material, I highly recommend giving it another go.

Awesome glasses, by the way!