Tuesday, October 14, 2008


God this is hard.

You know when you know you have to do something, but no matter how much you tell yourself "this is important"... you still can't quite get your fingers to play along or your mind to just sit still for long enough to obey?

I am having one of those days.

I got an email from a colleague about a job opening at the one and only spot I want to work when I graduate. And do you think I can sit still long enough to throw together a bilingual cover letter, one that I have been planning on getting done for weeks now in preparation for just such an opportunity?? My mind is buzzing with lots of things that have nothing to do with jobs or realistic futures or responsibilities. I have checked facebook a dozen separate times today, just out of habit. Today, I AM one of those GenerationADD kids.

Current Soundtrack: Rose Cousins

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