Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Open Letter

Sometimes, it just feels better to write it out.

Dear Suburban Queen Bee who picks up her kids at the daycare behind my apartment building in a sparkling white Escalade,

All the other parents park at the end of the driveway and walk up to the door to pick up their kids. You are the *only* one who feels entitled enough to drive all the way up the driveway in your fucking monster of a vehicle. I doubt you could even FEEL the jarring motion of running over a small child in that thing due to the lulling comfort of 5 tons of metal. I often wonder at what velocity I would have to pitch my saliva in order to spit on your car from my balcony. I wish there weren't people like you in the world,

Much too sincerely,


P.S. Get off your fucking cell phone.

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