Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One of those people

Didn't post at all in October for a number of reasons. Super busy at work, took an extra job for four weeks to help cover some of the construction costs of the new house we are trying to build, became a teaching assistant for a fourth year molecular biology and got soo sick as a result. Like, coughing up blood sick. Upon seeing my x-ray, Doc commented that I had the lungs of an old bum (PCedit: An elderly homeless person). Nice. Had I been travelling out of the country recently, and come in contact with TB? (No.) Had I gone on a bender recently where I potentially aspirated some vomit while in an alcohol-induced semi-conscious state? (NO?!? Who does that??) I told her straight up: I have no time to for the time-honoured art of inducing semi-consciousness with alcohol; for the entire month of October I worked, slept and ate. That's it. Long story short: I may have gotten an anaerobic lung infection as a complication of my otherwise-flawless wisdom teeth extraction at the end of September. So flawless that they didn't put me on antibiotics, so something could have lodged itself in my lungs, waiting until I was so rundown to make an dramatic entrance. That, or pneumonia. Treatment called for an antibiotic cocktail for two-weeks, then a follow-up chest x-ray. Well, last night, while I was taking my pills, I realized with horror that although both pills were to last me the same amount of time, one bottle was heavier than the other. Reading the label (which I *swear* I did when I first got them), one of the pills was to be taken twice a day, and the other pill just once a day. I was only taking two pills in the evening, essentially halving my dose of antibioticB....
.....NO!!!!!!! I'm one of those people!!! One of those people that don't take their antibiotics in full strength and create resistant superbugs as a result. I know how that works, and I don't like those people. I don't want to be breeding the bestest and fittest anaerobic bacteria in my lungs! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT. Regular treatment for anaerobic infection is six weeks, hopefully I didn't extend the life of my infection because six weeks is already $100 worth of antibiotics on my super-saver-brand insurance I have through the university. Although, I suppose the monetary punishment fits. I should really know better. Argh.

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