Monday, November 26, 2007

Alternate Universe

In an alternate universe, I ended up being a hardcore cosplayer that journeys all over the world dressing up in immaculate detail as her favorite comic book/nerdy sci-fi character. Evidence for this being:
1. My pre-occupation with clothing/costume.
2. My nearly incapacitating attention to detail.
3. My obsession with fanciful, unnaturally coloured hair.
4. I collected Star Trek figures when I was a kid.

I spent a very long time trying to justify purchasing this wig, by imagining where I could wear it:

(Wig styled by Kate Bair at Petting Zoo Wigs)

...All I could come up with was the bus. Specifically, the one bus that runs near my house, carrying all the university kids to their downtown classes. I have seen, on numerous occasions, gigantic woolen dreads on commuters in great, UV-reactive colours. The bus crew also has a fair share of piercings/tatoos/modifications. An enormous blue wig may blend in more easily here than, say, the supermarket.

On a slightly unrelated note, the bus driver this morning sported a handlebar moustache ...

...And was chewing bubblegum. I thought that was charming.

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