Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hovel lovah

So, the more I think about this little house in the new town where I'll be working (hurmm..."town" is an awfully strong word. More like "village"), the angrier I get at the person who is selling it. Check out the pictures:

You would think, from the above pictures, that major renovations are underway. But in reality, other than the recently ripped up linoleum flooring piled up in the entry, this house is untouched from the last student renter. I know because when I was an undergrad, a friend WAS renting this place four years ago and it was a mess then. No fireplace on the livingroom hearth - just an exposed flue with insulation stuffed inside. Etc, etc... It makes me angry when landlords would rent a place they would NEVER live in themselves. Its exploitative and repulsive behaviour. And as a result, I don't want to pay her anywhere near what she is asking for the house. She just "happened to" drop by last night when I was checking out the house, to check up on her landscaper. Picture a blond cougar driving a big black SUV, who has hired a Mexican man (in an area of ridiculous caucasian homogeneity) to landscape (ie raze the waist-high grasslands) and rip up the linoleum. It took all I had not to hiss at her. Gross.

Too much bitching will blacken my heart. I hope she knows when to fold 'em, and take our offer at 88% asking price.

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