Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekend Warriors (my hands are blistered and sore)

With generous help from friends and family, we managed to put up 2/3 of the 12 foot boards of sheetrock this weekend - finishing the entry, front parlour, back parlour and most of the current kitchen. These are some of the photos of the work (for my brother-in-law, who is apparently sick of the number of fashion posts), there are LOTS of them.

Prior to the boards going up, I ran around like a squirrel taking pictures of exposed wiring. I figured with the spray foam insulation, any wiring done after the walls are closed will be much harder so we should have an idea of where things are running:

The front entry & stairwell, with newly framed closets for coat and cleaning supplies storage:

Curvy alcove under the stairs will eventually highlight art, and provide additional drawer storage:

A peak into the front parlour, currently housing our dining table/tool repository. Eventually destined for library status:

A peak into the back parlour from the front parlour, with the functioning washing machine (very timely repair, given all the plaster dust stuck to our clothing lately):

A little mood lighting:

And finally the new kitchen extension, with the beautiful exposed beams. If I can figure out a way to keep them like this, I will because I LOVE THEM. It might involve custom cabinetry, but if hubby is willing then so am I:

Decorated with antique butter churning bowl from in-laws:

Hidden treasure:
Finally the undone parts: alcove, pantry, closets and the back extension room that still needs extensive structural work (floors are sagging since they are under-framed):

(very excited)


Evonne said...

It's quite possible the most recent photos we've seen (until these) involved holes in walls. Love the alcove and exposed beams. Heck, it all looks fantastic! Also, this may not fit the character of your beautiful old farmhouse but I'm digging the purple-grey colour of the sheetrock.

Natalie said...

We painted the bathroom of our first rental apartment this purply-dark grey colour, which I did love for the smaller space.

For this house I'm leaning toward a putty colour which looks brown or grey depending on the light. (like

ccostorey said...

wowza. youve got walls! love library to be.