Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nostalgia on Tape

The CD player is on the fritz upstairs, so I had to revert to a cassette tape to provide my entertainment while showering and preening this morning. I found one old one from undergrad (yup, the iPod had started its brilliant marketing campaign by this time but I was still lugging around a SONY portable tape player- gigantic, plastic and yellow), and it was called "Gym tape". The "gym tape" is usually the mecca of garbage pop music popular at the time (basing that on my girlfriends' "running" playlists or "workout"playlists at least). Anyway, I had high hopes for an amusing set of songs.

But nope, apparently I used to work out to such gems of artists like NIN, Soul Coughing, Propellerheads, and One Inch Punch. In fact, I am embarrassed to say (in more ways than one) the only mildly pop-like song on the entire cassette is....Beyonce's HipHopStar. So that dates the tape at least - her album came out in 2003. Coulda fooled me, I still listen to nearly everything on that tape every once and awhile.

Oohhhh, daft punk just came on.

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