Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life is kicking my ass lately. I'm house sitting for a new colleague (living out of a suitcase has been my life for >2 months) where a big ass brown lab dog slobers all over the place and wants to be walked every single day. ha! Didn't someone let him know I'm too self-absorbed for such things? Speaking of which, I have been failing in general at mastering the motorbike (as can be witnessed by the biggest mother-effen bruise I've ever giving myself...it covers mostly my entire left knee area). This week I've bought a new car (upgraded from a '99 Tercel to a '99 Corolla), trying to buy a new house (structural engineer appointment tomorrow afternoon), teach little snots about science for three days (again) and going to both a local (awesome indie) music festival AND a conference in a city about 300 km away. That's before Sunday of this week.

Last week I was in Montreal at another conference for three days, and found out I'll be going to Sweden at the end of the summer. Which is great. The bad part is that I need to make the full-day trip the day after a good friends' wedding. And be ready for serious meetings the day I arrive. I guess I won't be drinking much...which I suppose makes sense as I'm the MC of the event. Ask me if I've done a thing to prepare yet. Ugh. Guilt. There is always tomorrow.

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