Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fotos o' the farm

Bald eagles live nearby, we see them swooping in pretty close to our bee field on a regular basis. Here is a picture of one at dusk (see that speck in the sky?)

And the orchard, also at dusk, home of the giant rhubarb plants:

In the front yard we have a new (last fall) magnolia tree and a black cherry tree (no picture):

The side yard, by my herb garden and garlic patch, is a newly tilled strawberry patch. Just behind the white fence is a newly dug drainage ditch, helping keep puddles at bay:

The dog looks over the three garden plots and the chicken coop. In them are tomatoes, peas, kale, golden beets, onions, lotsa green beans, lettuce, cucumbers, and squash:

Our stress-reliever/wood chopping block and the new compost bin I salvaged from someone's garbage pile (next to my jerusalem articokes...which haven't come up yet. I DO have a wretchedly brown thumb, but is it even possible to kill a vigorous edible weed??):

And the barn, which houses our new John Deere (haYUK) lawn tractor. That now brings us up to three vehicles (motorcycle, scooter and lawn tractor) that all cost more than the single car we drive every day. I guess we know where the priorities lie:

Speaking of priorities, what's this just around the barn corner?? Could that be an ideal 1/2 acre (with much room to expand) plot for growing HOPS? Yes, I think it might be. Needs to be tilled and some giant 16 foot posts need to be purchased (might go see a set sourced on kijiji this weekend), then we will really be on our way:

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