Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Humming

I woke up this morning in a super-grumpy mood. Not aiding this fact: I had a Paula Abdul song stuck in my head. "Straight Up", which was introduced into my unconscious by a friend Saturday night, explaining his visit with family. "It's like I never left. They watch Amercian Idol, Survivor or movies all day. But now the TV has gotten bigger-it's like a 102" or something". He mentioned a surprising performance on Idol, a acoustic rendition of Straight Up by LA artist Andrew Garcia, that made him question why the guy was on the program in the first place. I didn't seek out the video until this morning, in an attempt to dislodge the song. He was right, it is pretty impressive.

Somehow, this acoustic version of Straight Up morphed into another earworm; "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley. I recently heard a cover of this song by Alice Russell, played during a kitchen dance party at a friends' place. I was checking out her stuff on youtube a few weeks when I came across this uplifting little ditty:

Sure helps with the mood.

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