Thursday, March 15, 2012

Moments in the snow

Blogging took a back seat this week to visiting researchers, student panic, home improvements and family obligations. It was sitting in the final midterm (invigilating again) that I was able to slow down for a minute. Looking about the room, there was one toque for every baseball cap. We are currently experiencing our St.Patrick's Day storm, and it looks like this outside:

Toques not unexpected, really.

The bonus question on the midterm today was: "Today is the Ides of March. Explain the quote [Beware the Ides of March], including as much detail as possible." Despite not having read Julius Caesar in high school, the "Ides of March" has been referenced in our culture enough that I googled it in the past, and am aware of it's significance in the Shakespeare play. Not so the first student to pass in her midterm, who answered the question with a tip-off to St.Patrick himself. She wrote that since it was two days before St.Patrick's Day, one must beware of people rushing around getting liquor before the big day. I'll let you guess how many of the real biochem questions she bothered to answer.

I went looking in my iTunes for an appropriate song, and this is what I found.

His bit at the beginning is a hoot "...whether the dancers needed a break"

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