Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The ability to fall asleep anywhere is a gift. You can find me snoozing gap-mouthed in airports or lecture halls too often, and I fall asleep mid-sentence on a regular basis. But there are situations where that is problematic. Case in point: Saturday night bonfire with family from a far-flung place. The visit is short, and has extended into the night to take advantage of the company. I'm at home, comfy in pajamas just finishing a beer, sitting around a warm fire on a warm night. I can't keep my eyes open, but don't want to be the loser who goes to sleep first. So I crawl on a blanket next to the bonfire, fall asleep in good company for a short snooze...

...and wake up when a fiery ember lands on my temple and burns a two inch long gash on my skin.

Since I was sleeping so deeply, it took awhile until I was awake enough to react. By that time I had earned myself a nice second degree burn that immediately blistered over. On my face. Dammit.

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