Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a high volume of calls

They always say on automated systems "We are currently experiencing a higher than normal call volume. Thank you for your patience." What a crock of shit. If it is always the case, then it is no longer an exception. False advertising, I say.

I'm on the phone with the DMV. I left my scooter on campus over the long weekend while I enjoyed the sunshine and primed nearly the entire house (with help from family and friends). I get in this morning, and the phone in the lab rings. It's a police officer. They found my scooter about 40 yards from campus behind a residential area, covered in leaves and sticks. Seems someone went to alot of trouble to steal my scooter, took the license plate and then ditched the shiny silver grey scooter in some old bitty's backyard.

This is all hilariously on-point, since late last week a visiting researcher commented "aren't you worried someone will steal your scooter?" and I was all "schmaa, no way. I'm the only one who drives a scooter around here. People would know it was mine". Which is probably why they stole the scooter, pushed it to the nearest wooded area, took the plate to put on a cooler albeit likely less-road-worthy motorbike and then ditched my identifiable vehicle.

DMV says I still need to pay $25 replacement fee for a new plate, even though my vehicle was stolen and the plate was taken by thieves. Way to screw over the victim, government. Jeez.

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