Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Over the ocean blue

Blurgh, we just spent $450 on camping materials. I've booked the rental car for Ireland, and the hotel for Prague. Don't know how we are getting from one place to another yet, but the back-up/default has always been the train. Which has the added bonus of being similarly-priced no matter when you buy (even the day of). Toying with the idea of going all out an buying a computer so we don't rely on internet cafes the whole time, but we'll see about that. Spending a wee bit much money for someone who is homeless and jobless. We leave Thursday 6 am, and get back mid June. Updates on here may be sporadic, but I'll try to keep the masses edumacated.


1 comment:

Evonne said...

A great website that's super helpful for train planning is http://www.seat61.com/. This guy has unbelievably detailed information about train travel all around the world, but I think he's based in England so the focus is UK to Europe travel. Hope it's useful. Have a great time! :)