Friday, February 18, 2011

busy folks

Last night I had a dream I was smoking cigarettes, which only happens when I'm stressed out. Funny enough, I have had this stress-relief dream even before ever having tried cigarettes in real life. There must be something transcendent about the release of the first drag of cigarette for a smoker, because it apparently transfers pretty easily.

Tomorrow morning I leave on the red-eye for a week-long trip to two wildly disparate climates for wildly different reasons, wherein I will pack only a single carry on luggage.

My boss is away in Puerto Rico at a science conference, letting the minions tend to her gigantic but needy first year biochem class during their midterm. She also dropped a giant task in my lap yesterday 45 minutes before invigilating one of her 4 classrooms of students. This mighty task was supposed to be done in October. Hahahaha!! I haven't responded back.

The website is up. The tax credit is a bust. The bonus is in limbo. The house looks much the same as it did before Christmas, just with a better bonfire pit carved in the three feet of snow and one extra cord of dried wood (which we got from some very nice people last weekend) stacked in our living room. Ghetto pre-industrial energy storage. It smells lovely though.

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