Tuesday, January 25, 2011

schedulesnippet (gopher edition)

Tuesday: learn how to use Wordpress for company website, attend intro music & physics class, meet with student, make up list of available equipment (plus replacement costs) for incoming tenure track position, eat supper with my boss, invigilate a mid-term, go home.

Wednesday: get the stupid Linux machine up and running at it's new I.P address, do WHIMS training and test, gather paperwork for tax credit, schedule a meeting with tax consultant, do an experiment?, gather paperwork for other tax thing, go home to change maybe, go to potluck with friends, play games, relax, drink wine, go home.

Thursday: list our excess equipment on the scientific equivalent of ebay (once I find it), price out exhibitor costs to attend the largest North American conferences in my field, attend music & physics class, have meeting with website guru to teach me Wordpress things I couldn't learn myself, eat lunch at my desk, run some bioinformatic scripts on seed proteins, fulfill some requests I'm not even aware of yet, dick around on the internet reading celebrity gossip, go to birthday party and potluck, go home.

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