Friday, February 27, 2009

Nightmare Nuggets

It struck me that I was about to venture to the other side of this very large country to stay with a household with two small children a month before my thesis is due, and that I may be better served to just jump directly into a cesspool of germs. In attempt to ward off a (likely imminent) viral illness, I started to pop some preventative ColdFX pills. These Canadian nuggets of ginseng extract are supposed to do the trick for those feeling ill (or expecting to feel ill soon). But a word to the wise: avoid taking these just before getting into bed.

I woke up at 3 AM covered in sweat, after having the most atrocious nightmare(s). Which is saying something, because on a normal day I can recount the entire extended dream sequence of the previous night. I dream vividly all night long, and remember everything in the morning. Sometimes I go to sleep more rested than I feel in the morning after waking up, but alas sometimes the dreams are real hilarious gems. Night before last I was watching the television show House. That night I dreamt that my cat was on methadone (just like House!), and had to be extra careful bringing him around on errands because he was spazzing out (for the record, my cat does not leave the house nor really the back closet corner because he is a paranoid kitty). But man, ginseng + Natalie's already freakishly realistic dreams = fetal position. Won't be doing that again.

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