Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pink and Gray - the New Black

Lately (the past two weeks) it is lovely, sunny and sometimes cold during the week. But then bam! the weekend comes and it's sheets of rain or shitloads of snow. But you don't really know it's coming because the weather stations have no clue. No. Clue.
On Tuesday I checked the weather for Friday. The weather channel was predicting 3 degrees celsius. Environment Canada was calling for minus 3 degrees. A span of six degrees for the same day and the same town. WTF? Might as well toss a coin. Last week one website was calling for -1 on Saturday the other for +6. That's a huge difference. Frozen fingers while putting up siding without gloves vs. toasty fingers putting up siding. I've gotten to the point where I don't even look now. Prepare for everything by bringing lots of extra clothing, and do the work no matter what the weather is like. Gotta be done.

Last weekend my mom came up as well as my husband's parents. We started the insulation and got most of it complete on Saturday. On Sunday we continued the insulation and started the vapour barrier. My husband, mom & boyfriend and I all took Monday off, so we continued to work inside the house as well as on the siding outside.

Pink insulation. Gets in your eyes and lungs. Little sticky shards of glass, which we protected ourselves against using masks and goggles. Not only was it terribly stiffling, but since it was cold in the house our goggles would fog up constantly.

Vapour barrier and tuck tape, stuck to the corners with acoustical sealant. Black sticky glue that never dries ever.

Last night we returned to the house to put insulating foam board in the basement. The pink foam will go under the poured concrete floor, helping to insulate against heat loss.

Yesterday forecasters were predicting 2-4 cm of snow overnight. You know how much actually fell? About 10 cm at the house. I took the pictures below half way through the night when it hadn't even stopped snowing yet. I was talking to a woman in the department who lives out by Peggy's Cove. Her son measured the snow on their deck this morning at 21 cm. Bloody big difference between shoveling 2 cm of snow and 20 cm of snow...

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