Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jack Frost's seat

Winter has arrived and the wood stove is almost always on. Like moths to a flame, we gravitate towards the room closest to the heat source - the kitchen and back parlour. Our old set-up, where the dining table was the only piece of furniture near the stove, meant we spent all night on rickety caned chairs watching movies or playing games and never ventured to our upholstered furniture in the next (colder room).

Well, by jamming the table against the half wall nearest the kitchen, and hauling over our smaller couch, we've managed to diversify the seating near the stove. It's a tight squeeze but overall much comfier to sit in the couch to watch a movie . We've also created seating where there was none before in the bay window next to the stove:

A few nights ago, without the finished doors

Yesterday with finished door and better light

We go through that much wood in about two days, but it's still nice to have seating for five or six people within reach of the stove. Today was the first frosting of snow - brr!

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