Monday, January 30, 2012

the funk in the air

After my trip to California, I entered a phase of utter non-productivity. I came home to a broken washing machine, a car primed to fail the yearly safety inspection, and had somehow lost my hair dryer before even leaving for my trip (how does one lose a hairdryer?!?)

So to recap: greasy hair, stinky clothes and shitty car.

I went to a great music festival, which involved staying out until 2 AM during the week, drinking way too much crappy draught beer and otherwise picking "fun" over "responsible". I ate mac and cheese one night for was an entire week of processed food, packaged in cardboard and plastic. Just gross.

Questionable content

Then sometime after watching Mission Impossible at the local theatre (but before watching Limitless), the funk broke. I think it was associated with getting this stupid piece of very important paperwork (aka SPOVIP) off my damned desk - FINALLY!- after three months of working on/off on it.

I unpacked my luggage (for real), used the on-campus laundry facilities to clear the 6 foot pile of laundry, and started digging through the ten inch pile of crap on my desk. I've been clearing invoices for the business like a champ, recuperating money we've been owed for six months. There must be good financial karma associated with this drudgery, and I keep whimsically thinking that my bosses will be so appreciative that they'll cut me a bonus cheque for all my hard work. More likely scenario is that I have to ask for a bonus, which I've also been psyching myself up to do. I'll post here about how that works out after the SPOVIP is legally binding for all parties (ie I cross the paperwork finish line).

It will look just like this.

So the next week I'll talk about some of the stuff I've been up to that hasn't made it to this blog: dealing with the car, personal finances, the martial arts class I took, the science I'm teaching myself, the house progress. I'll probably post music too, because the best way to remind myself off cool new finds is to scroll back through this here blog. So with that:

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