Friday, July 16, 2010

apples and oranges

As part of our next trade show booth, I wanted to include a cord-less frame showcasing images of our products in use. The cordless versions run around $200, my boss thought it was a great idea. I wasn't expecting to pay so much for one, especially one that is only 8 inches wide.

Then she proposed the use of a "lead retrieval" unit- a little machine you rent from the conference venue for $250+ dollars (plus "training" time!) that scans booth visitors' name tags, storing info on a database you can later access to send spam emails.

A combined cost of nearly five hundred dollars for gadgets with one time uses....hmm. An idea.

Me: "Boss-how about we get an iPad? It works as both a cordless frame for showcasing images AND as a nifty tool to bring people to our booth. Instead of a sneaky lead retrieval unit, we just straigh-up ask booth visitors who are interested in our product to book-mark their lab homepages on our iPad and then follow up that way. "

Her: "Deal."

(I fist-pumped the air).

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