Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Geek Chic

I came across this website while browsing Slate. It was mentioned in an article about buying prescription glasses online, and I was intrigued being the poor, near-sighted student that I am. The essence of the article is that buying online prescription glasses is just the next step in online consumerism, and that astronomically high mark-ups in the brick-and-mortar stores can be side-stepped in favor of deeply discounted but essentially identical glasses bought online. This means people like me, who have been putting off a very important thing (proper sight) because of the cost ($300-ish), now have options.

This article is particularly timely because the last few months I have been bugging my husband that it's time for new specs (these ones I currently wear - my only pair- are about five years old) but the truth is new glasses are on the bottom of our priority list at the moment. But I love me some bargains, and I love going online shopping. Some of the more sophisticated sites listed on the GlassyEyes blog allow you to virtually "try on" a pair of glasses using an uploaded close-up headshot. So guess what I've been doing for the past week? I've got it narrowed to my favorite half-dozen frames, but my next priority is getting a current prescription. So I'm going to call up my optician and see if I can't get that done asap, and then scrounge around for $50 for a brand new pair of glasses.

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