Monday, April 18, 2011


I just made a salmon stirfry in the toaster oven at work. Huzzah!

Important because: I'm off to the gym. A place where people sweat on purpose...such a foreign affair to me (the bookish nerd). Thing is about a month ago I won a gift certificate through an online auction-slash-advertising campaign I originally saw mentioned in the local paper. I don't live in a very big place, and this online auction thing was relatively new. Local small business offer up gift certificates as an advertising campaign but non-interest means $100 restaurant GCs regularly go for half their value. This translated to my situation as: winning a $105 gift certificate for a month long "bootcamp" trial for $11. You can imagine my glee as a bargain shopper to have paid only 10% of the value of something, even if it WAS a gym membership.

So I started going three times a week for about 45 minutes: 10-15 to warm up then 30 minutes of high intensity workout (like this):

I thought I was going to get skinnier but so far that's not the case. I am fitter though, which is important. I hauled a GIANT log (barely) at the house the other night, and went canoeing yesterday (with a dog in the canoe at one point) and had good balance.

My secret auction site hasn't been discovered by enough people apparently, since I just won another month long membership for $16 today. A total investment of $27 for two months of workouts is great, because I'm actually GOING. I show up with maybe three other ladies at a convenient time and follow my trainer's instructions. I suck at self-motivation to get my butt to the free fitness centre on campus but I am really good at following directions so... that's what I do. Wobbly legs and all.

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