Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cheap cheaper cheapest (I win)

I'm never going to rent a movie again if I can help it. In the town where I grew up, the library was an archaic place in an out-dated building (80s pastel everywhere). There was abundant natural light, sure, but it just highlighted the enormous amount of dust everywhere. We never went unless we had a school project on Cheetahs/Acadians/Clouds to do (pre-internet age, of course).

But not so here. The libraries (multiple - located all around the municipality) are used by lots of people (my coworkers with kids especially) AND they are an utter wealth of free, new DVDs! So excellent. I borrowed a bunch of Harry Potter DVDs, Volver, No Country For Old Men, as well Spanglish and Penelope. Penelope is the only one left to watch and I think it will be cute, based entirely on the adorable outfit Miss Ricci is wearing on the cover:

The bad news is that all the excessive parties I've been attending lately (many with booze and/or deliciously rich foods) + the lazy ass TV watching = tight clothing. Mucho tight. I haven't really decided whether I should address the issue directly or just let it slide under the pretense of "Holiday Cheer". I think the latter. At least until New Year, when I can get on the band wagon with everyone else, and goad myself into action. Or spend my Christmas money on new clothes. One or the other :)

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