Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In the kitchen

I baked four things this weekend and burnt not a single item.

That is surely a record for me.

First up was an upside down cake made with blackberries we picked on Saturday from Duncan's Cove (my favoritest of favorite local nature spots).

(Aside: I started baking at 10 pm on Saturday night. Lifelong habit that used to drive my mom bananas. I guess I'm a night hawk?) The cake itself turned out as it was supposed to (so I'm told by my loving and very smart husband) but I wasn't really digging it. Until I put ice cream on it, and then it was gold.

I also picked about 7 cups of huckleberries, which are like blueberries but are a darker colour, less sweet and contain tiny seeds like a raspberry.

When we first moved here and started hiking at Duncan's Cove, I was absolutely floored with the number of huckleberry bushes. Acres and acres - everywhere! More than anyone could ever pick, or any animal could ever eat. Apparently they are not commercially cultivated and not amenable to domestication because they are finicky growers. Since I find berry picking uber-relaxing, I picked enough this past weekend to make two pies (and have some in my cereal too!)

I hope to go back at least one more time, and get enough for a few more fresh berry pies as well as some I could freeze to use later in muffins. My sweet tooth and my thrifty pocket all agree this is a good plan.

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